One found most work at home or online business opportunities are some kind of network marketing or affiliate marketing. Some people associate both terms with multi level marketing, which has a bad reputation. The two terms are actually different: Networking marketing resembles more like mlm (multi level marketing) versus affiliate marketing is more like commission based sales. Some affiliate companies have levels, but they don’t exceed more than five layers. This article explains the differences between the two kinds of marketing.
Affiliate marketers of online business programs get their commission on each transaction. Customers usually make one time purchase. Thus affiliate marketer has to sell in volumes to make a profit. The compensation plan in affiliate marketing is usually based upon some performance benchmarks. The requirements for the affiliates include making sales, getting click throughs and registrations. There is a set compensation contract between the affiliate and the marketer.

The main differences between affiliate marketing and network marketing are summarized below:
Layers: There are several layers or mountains of people and recruiters in a network marketing system. Each associate in network marketing has two downlines. Then these two downlines have two downlines under them, and it can go on and on. Affiliate marketing compensation scheme does not involve layers of downlines, although some affiliate companies has one to five levels.
Effort: Affiliate marketers have to put in continuous effort to produce desired income. Network marketing usually requires more efforts initially, and one can build residual incomes from the network of the recruits, and work less as time passes.
People skill: The way network marketing work is by recruiting people and building downlines; therefore they need to have strong interpersonal and recruiting skills. Affiliate marketing is more an individual effort through different attempts.
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